Contact/Legal Things

Thanks for contacting me! I will get back to you within 48 hours. – Wrae

You can also contact me via email if you don’t want to use this form:

Legal Things:

Privacy Policy


(Basically what I won’t tolerate)

I don’t allow the following:

-comments, statements or jokes about the following things: slurs against races, any kind of ethnic group, political group (my posts don’t go political), sexuality group or any other group that can be legally discriminated against. I’m biracial and I will go in on racists, bigots and the like. I will also kick you off my blog QUICKLY.

-comments, statements or jokes towards the disabled, physically or otherwise. I am the mother of a child with special needs, and while his needs are not physical, I still won’t tolerate it. I spent five years working with kids and some adults and those jokes are not and never will be funny. I have a special spot for those who have autism and ADHD.

-comments, statements or jokes about mental health issues, especially suicide. I have no attempts, but I have lost those close to me to suicide, and have had friends attempt. Again, this will get you immediately kicked off the blog. This is incredibly inappropriate. I also don’t allow shaming of any kind, meaning mom, body or otherwise.

We are all adults here, so if anyone starts arguing in the comments, please let me know if I am not already aware. I will address it immediately. Bullying on this blog is not acceptable in any way, shape or form.

COPYRIGHT and OTHER STUFF: Anything that I write on my blog is my intellectual property, and believe me, this stuff does not come easy. If you want to quote me, that’s great, but please contact me first. Don’t plagiarize. That’s just not cool. We can probably sort something out on that.

I’m also not liable for what other people say on this blog, because I am not a mind reader and I do not have control over what others do. I’m not licensed, but I do have a BA in Clinical Psychology. Thanks, Spalding University. (GO, GOLDEN EAGLES!!) That degree has been well used. I will not be able to or be liable for having given psychological advice. I’ve got resources for that if you need them.

If for some reason you decide to not go by the rules of this blog, then I reserve the right to block you with or without notice. I’m a pretty nice person, but I also don’t tolerate the kind of crap I’ve seen online.

Once I start getting email stuff set up, I will not EVER send spam. I hate it myself and wouldn’t subject any of my readers to that. I won’t sell your info or give it to anyone else, because none of that is cool. It’s probably illegal somehow and I don’t like the idea of jail. I’m writing this blog in the wonderful state of Kentucky. If you’re reading this outside of here, then all Kentucky laws apply.

If you click a link from this blog, it should always be a good one. I double check that stuff, but this is 2020 and s*it happens. I’m not perfect, and if you get a bad one, please let me know. I’ll take it down immediately.

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