I’m Not Ready

This post came to mind as I was having a long chat with my best friend, Ashley, about parenting. She’s a first-time mom and her son is 4 weeks old as of my writing this post.

I told her that I’m not ready for Cameron to turn 16 in January. It makes me so sad that he’s almost grown. He will be able to get a permit, which he has to have for a year. He will also be able to get a job. We’ve been discussing it.

Where has the time gone?

I was barely 22 when Cameron was born on January 7, 2005. My birthday was nine days before. He was actually due on January 5, but I guess he wasn’t ready yet.

I definitely had anxiety after he was born, I’d never raised a baby! Luckily, I’ve always had a ton of support from my mom and mother in law.

Cameron was a bit cranky as a baby. He didn’t have colic but he cried a lot and for months, at the same time every day.

At 15, he sleeps wonderfully and rarely wakes up before noon, thanks to the pandemic closing school. He’s into TikTok videos, basketball and of course, Marvel movies.

He grew and got active. He learned to talk and in July 2006, he got a brother, Julian. I don’t think either of them remembers anything without each other.

Having a heart condition has slightly altered his activities. I think he’s a little afraid to do things that might set off an episode of SVT.

You can read this to find out more about SVT.

Cameron has been his brother’s helper and protector, which I can’t say enough about. Julian gets on his nerves sometimes, but don’t let someone mess with him. If Julian needs backup, Cameron is there. He and Lily, however, have annoyed each other since day one. It’s been funny to watch.

Work pic

Getting school work done online

What’s Next?

I have no clue. I just know I’m not ready for my kids to be grown. I do know that Cameron is a smart kid and that he can do anything he wants.

He’s in a program at school to learn machine tools, computer-aided design, and welding. His grandfather is a machinist, Cameron has watched him work since he was a baby. He didn’t make it to the machine tool due to school closures but did like welding. This program will help him get a job when he graduates in 2023, which is great.

He’s not into the college idea and I’m okay with this.

He’s already decided that he would love to work the third shift. This isn’t shocking because he’s a night owl.

Cameron is taller than me and eats everything in this house. He has a face full of acne and size 10 feet.

I guess we will have to see what the future brings, as wild as it might be. He’s still got a lot to learn but he knows I’m behind him all the way.

My giant kid