Song Lyric Saturday with Amerie

First of all, Amerie is so freaking underrated.

If you’ve never heard of her, I will wait while you Google her and listen to her entire discography.

*tick tock tick tock*

You’re back? Good.

Amerie is half black, half Korean and I need her skin tips. She’s amazingly gorgeous, and she just had a baby. Does she sleep? I saw her on Instagram last week and she looks great, even minus sleep. I did not look that great when Cameron was an infant, probably because he was the worst sleeper of the three. I didn’t even know she was pregnant until wayyyy into the pregnancy.

On top of singing, she’s an author and has lots of videos on her Instagram showing all the books she reads. She shares info on what she’s writing. I’m not really into sci-fi, but if you are, this might be for you. I’m just waiting for her next album. Her first one came out in 1998 and I was stuck on her music from there. I even played one of her songs at my wedding reception.

I picked her first song “Why Don’t We Fall In Love” because I’m a hopeless romantic and I love it.

“So many days I thought of you

It’s about time you knew the truth”

If you’re thinking about someone that much, tell them. Don’t hold back, because you might lose that chance. It’s a bit nervewracking and scary but it’s well worth it. May my hopeless romantic self never give up. Happy listening!